Azure -Best cloud computing platform operated by Microsoft


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Introduction About Azure</h2
Azure was created in 2010 by Microsoft to provide cloud services that allow users to build, test, deploy and manage their applications in Microsoft data centers. These data centers are distributed in 54 regions of the world. Microsoft provides various services in many areas such as Compute, Database, Content Delivery, Networking and many more.

Career change

Microsoft Azure certification is very important for pursuing a career in cloud computing and provides flexible career options. Microsoft Azure certification helps secure trusted roles such as cloud administrator, developer, security engineer, AI engineer, data engineer, solution developer and DevOps engineer.
Microsoft Azure offers certification based on nine roles that not only increase your ability in the work you do, but also in the company you work for. There are many benefits associated with using cloud computing, and many businesses are changing their operations. up to the clouds. With any Microsoft Azure certification,
you can find yourself managing, developing and implementing cloud services in various industries such as finance, healthcare, banking, government, and is insurance. Many Microsoft Azure Certified Cloud Computing professionals hold positions around the world, including remote locations in Europe (UK, France, Germany), USA, Asia and other locations.

structured learning

The structured learning process for obtaining Microsoft Azure certification leads you to learn different applications quickly. Candidates find many common tools like Hadoop, GitHub, Eclipse, etc. easy to learn, and new enthusiasts can adapt to the Azure platform in a simple and easy way. Most importantly,
new candidates can enhance their learning and Azure services. in a way that is faster and more concise learning process. Many online resources such as tutorials, e-books, and tutorials are available to learn the practical concepts and concepts of Azure services.
Cloud Academy offers a library of Microsoft Azure training courses that provide the concepts, skills and practices needed to achieve certification in Azure services.

Vital asset for an organization

With proven expertise in Azure, you can be an asset to the organization and drive business growth. Microsoft Azure certification takes advantage of the benefits of the Azure cloud environment. When you use pay-as-you-go services, you can help your organization reduce IT costs and avoid incurring additional costs.
Compared to other cloud offerings on the market, Azure offers the perfect combination between on-premises data centers and the cloud, especially small businesses (SMBs), who can take advantage of hosting their infrastructure entirely in the cloud. An Azure cloud architect can help companies quickly scale and move their on-premises operations to the cloud to reduce costs.

Better integration with .NET platform.

NET is a free, cross-platform, and open source development platform developed by Microsoft. It is one of the most widely used programming languages ​​with hundreds and thousands of programs using this coding language to create many types of applications.
It allows unique integration with Microsoft Azure without any complicated process as Microsoft controls everything and a large community is ready to support it. With community support it has become many people’s favorite services as they are able to quickly create and deploy to Azure cloud services.
Integration with the .NET platform is one of the great advantages of Azure for programmers who are familiar with working with the .NET platform.
This allows them to focus more easily on building their applications, instead of looking for cloud service providers to provide cloud integration for their privacy platform. Microsoft Azure also supports open source platforms such as Linux, Java and PHP to run their applications. and Azure. The efficient integration of the encryption platform with Azure improves efficiency and productivity.

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