Cordova – Best Mobile application development framework in 2023


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About Cordova

Cordova, formerly Gap Mobile, is a platform for building mobile applications using HTML5, CSS and Java Script.

In other words, it is a container to create web applications written in HTML, CSS, JS. In general, web applications cannot use native device features such as camera, GPS, accelerometer, contacts, etc. . With Cordova, we can do that and combine the web application with the device installation process. Value of Cordova

The most popular advantages of Apache Cordova

It is a free and open technology.
It is easy to learn. It is used to create cross-platform applications.
It works with JavaScript. It is used to make software development faster and more efficient.
It has many plugins that you can add in your app to fulfill all the requirements to run the app. It has a good community support, which helps you get rid of all the problems you are facing.

How does it work?

Technically, a WebView that takes up the entire screen and runs in a container is the user interface of a Cordova application. Therefore, the native operating system uses the same web view. It just means that the layout changes depending on the operating system and that the website stays the same.

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